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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

La Gente Cambia

A change of heart
Ok folks, La Misma Luna was one of the best films I have ever seen.  It definitely reminded me of my mission (Texas, McAllen) which was right on the border of Mexico and hearing so many different stories of how people crossed the border.  As we already decided in class, immigration is just complicated, so I’m going to talk about something else that caught my attention about this film.   Are you ready? REDEMPTION.  Yes, our favorite topic in IHUM260 :) 
Let’s be honest, this movie is seething with redemption!  But I think it’s mostly portrayed in Enrique, the hombre that gets stuck with Carlitos after the INS raids the tomato farm.  From the minute Enrique meets Carlitos (in the van on the way to work) he doesn’t like him and is instantly annoyed.  But I think its really interesting that when Enrique tells Carlitos que la gente cambia, it’s almost as if he’s talking about himself; as time goes on you see Enrique’s attitude towards Carlitos change, and it seriously like his heart begins to soften towards him.  He definitely has a change of heart!  So he proved his theory with his own actions.  But I think this is even more evident when he creates a distraction for the police when they are trying to get Carlitos to go with them.  Earlier on in the movie he voices his concern about getting caught by the police and getting sent back to Mexico but then pretty much gives himself up to them.  If that’s not a sacrifice then I don’t know what is.  Of course it especially reminded me of the Mission, Bless Me Ultima.  I’m sure that from this point on, whenever I read a book, poem, or watch a movie, it would be much easier for me to pick this out.  In the Mission, especially, along with La Misma Luna, this change of heart and redemption seem to be very intertwined.  Obviously this is something that we find intriguing because it is a consistent theme in films and books.  Maybe it’s because we need to reminded that we all need to be redeemed and should be willing to grant that to others (just as the Bishop does in Les Miserables when Valjean steals his silver)?  I don’t really know, but I believe it added much more depth and a sense of understanding  to this movie which is about such a sensitive subject. 

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